Many people are desperate for change and yet they never seem to achieve it. It isn’t that they don’t try and it’s certainly not that they’re lazy. After all, they read books, attend classes, and visit experts but, in the end, they don’t realize their goal. So what’s going on to keep these people from getting to where they want to go?
The fundamental problem is they feel powerless. We’ve all been brought up to believe we aren’t capable enough or smart enough or worthy enough, etc. so we go to other people that we perceive as being capable, smart or worthy and we expect these people to make the change for us. We think the doctor, therapist, minister, counselor, teacher, or guru can do something to us that will bring about some fantastic transformation but the simple truth is nobody can ever change you. All change comes from within. These people might assist in the changes made by providing medication or surgical procedures that place our body in a healthier state so it can heal or providing tools and techniques to help us through a difficult or confusing time but none of them do the changing for us. In fact, all of these people have “problem” clients/patients that aren’t willing to go along with the recommendations made and, naturally, these clients/patients don’t improve very much, if at all.
The most important person you can ever believe in is you. You have the power to change your life and if you don’t see yourself as possessing that power, you will spend a lifetime chasing experts and techniques looking for the “right one” that will make all the changes for you. Ask yourself right now, “Do I have the ability, in and of myself, to make this change happen?” If you answer no, then make a list of all the reasons you don’t think you can and seriously examine them, then start changing them because it’s these beliefs that are holding you back. Only when you really believe you can accomplish your goal will any amount of knowledge or assistance be helpful to you. Trust me, I know. I used to chase information all the time. I spent 2 years looking for the “right technique” until I finally got the message that I already had everything I needed; I just had to start actually using it.
What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever been told? It’s that you are limited and incapable. You can achieve anything you want but you have to know that you can have it and that you deserve it. No matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done, you have the ability and the right to create a wonderful life and that creative process originates inside you, not outside. Looking for outside sources of permission or inspiration is a fast road to failure. After all, that’s what you’ve been doing all this time and you are any really closer to your goal? If you want a new technique that really works, try finding your source of strength, inspiration and guidance inside rather than outside. When you come from that internal source, the appropriate assistance such as books, seminars, techniques, teachers etc. will find you rather than you having to chase after them. Then, finally, the process of change can be simple.
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