Security. This one idea drives humankind to distraction. We spend countless hours in anxious turmoil pondering whether or not we will have a secure life…will I have enough money, food and a place to live? Will my children be safe in the streets and at school? All this fretting causes us to fight hard to gain a sense of security and then maintain it but there is an idea I’d like to put forth that many might not have considered: security comes from stability, stability leads to stagnation and stagnation is the opposite of living.
Everything changes. The universe is changing, nature is changing, your body is changing, and your thoughts are changing…all life centers on growth and change. Seedlings transform into flowers, caterpillars change into butterflies, and children grow into adults all as life unfolds. To seek stability is to seek lack of change. The more regimented our lives become, the less we grow. We all know people who become situated into a routine. They go to bed at the same time, get up at the same time, drive the same car following the same route, go to the same places, interact with the same people, eat the same food, watch the same TV programs, etc., etc. Over time, these people become “set in their ways” and trying to introduce them to a new idea is like trying to pull teeth. The worst part of it is that this is what so many people think they want for themselves. The average person sets forth on a path to this very destination and they do so because they live in fear of not knowing what’s around the next corner. Life has become so frightening to most of us that we actively avoid living and, instead, simply exist.
The truth is there is no such thing as security in the sense most people mean it. No matter how old you get, how long you’ve been with your company or how much money you have, it can all change tomorrow and, of course, it is this idea that has us fighting so hard to hold on to what we have. Life is a spontaneous creation, though, that is changing with every new decision. How can something so flexible, so plastic, ever be secure? Rather than exhaust ourselves trying to ensure that we have what we have forever, why not work on creating an inner knowledge that we can always create what we choose from each moment? In other words, we live in fear that we will lose what we have and never regain it instead of realizing that if we got it once, we can get it again. This is how millionaires can go broke in a bad business venture and gain it all back within a year. They realize that if they got there once, they can get there again any time they choose. This is known as prosperity consciousness and it is something all of us would gain greatly from developing because it doesn’t only apply to money, it applies to every achievement. As my sculpting teaching used to say, “Don’t worry about messing up something you’ve made. You’re the artist. If you created it once, you can always create it again”.
Developing prosperity consciousness means realizing that you are the one creating your life. Your choices lead you in certain directions and you can choose to regain anything you have lost or you can choose to have that loss be permanent. Just like the artist with his clay, you can form and re-form your life as you see fit. This doesn’t mean the desired results will come over night but if you don’t lose sight of your goal, you will most definitely achieve it.
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