Monday, April 6, 2009

Your Beliefs Can Slam the Brakes on Your Love Life

Dating and living single can be tough and if you're having trouble attracting the right kind of partner or even attracting a date, your beliefs could be putting the brakes on your love life.

So many of us have been hurt by past relationships that a part of honestly questions whether or not it's worth getting involved again. After all, what if it happens again? Nobody wants to be rejected and nobody wants to feel they are alone in the world. It's a pretty profound dilemma..."Should I put myself out there and risk getting my heart broken again or should I resign myself to a life alone?" Honestly, neither choice sounds too appealing but what you need to examine is why it's easier to believe that the next relationship will bring heartache like the others than it is to believe that the next one will bring you decades of bliss.

My experience has been that most people carry around a lot of baggage from past relationships. There are so many fears and worries that what happened "last time" will happen again and though there is reason to shy away from the possibility of another painful break up, the simple fact is the past doesn't dictate the future. The relationship you will be entering into next will not be (most likely) with the same person you broke up with before. This is a new person with new qualities, ideas, beliefs, values, desires, etc. To project the last relationship onto this one is to immediately doom it to fail. Even though it can be hard to do, you have to stop assuming and expecting and, instead, begin seeing this relationship for what it truly is and not what you're afraid it will turn out to be.

You have to realize that the next person isn't the last one. In other words, just because your last boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife hurt you or mistreated you doesn't mean the next person you get involved with will do the same. Remember, everyone is different so it's unfair and unrealistic to generalize like so many people do.

Be open to the person you will meet next or might have already met. Give him or her a fair chance without judgments and see where it takes you. It's difficult and scary but if you ever hope to have a chance at a relationship, you must be willing to see the next person you date for who he or she is rather than what you're afraid they'll turn out to be.

A Powerful Money Prayer

Money is a compliacted issue in our society. Many negative beliefs have been attached to money and, to some extend, most people feel unworthy of having much of it. However, I would like to present a different perspective on money. One that I hope will change your mind and open you to the results of a powerful money prayer I wil share in this post.

All things are energy, including money. Money has no motives or desires. It is simply a tool that can fund wars or build hospitals. Some of us have heard the expression “Money is the root of all evil” and maybe those individuals still believe that on some level. However, this expression is incorrect. The real quote is “The love of money is the root of all evil.” It is greed that causes people to use money in disastrous ways. Once you come to terms with the idea that money is neutral…simply a tool to be used like a hammer or a screwdriver, you can begin to set aside your “issues” about having more of it.

To pray for more money, we have to first understand that prayers of supplication (begging and pleading for something) hardly ever bring results. If you come to a prayer with the attitude of “I don’t have this and I’m pretty sure I’ll never get it so please, please, PLEASE give this to me” you can expect dismal results.

Instead, you have to shift your attitude to one of power. We are all co-creators of our experience and our thoughts, feelings and words are very powerful. Speak (pray) as though you have the power to create something real in your life. Know that your words are bringing into reality your desire. Expect as strongly as you do when you go to bed at night that you will wake up in the morning that what you’ve prayed for will come. You might be thinking “But waking up tomorrow is one thing and getting more money is another.” I would like to point out, though, that you have no guarantee that you’ll wake up tomorrow; you just assume that you will. You’ve seen that every day for the past x number of years you’ve woken up and you see no reason to believe that you won’t wake up tomorrow but where’s your guarantee?

The same is true with money or anything else you wish to bring into your life. The difference, though, is how you approach the situation. Rather than assume that the money will come because you’ve called it to you, you choose to assume it won’t because it hasn’t so far. This mistake of assming that the past produces the future is what leads to so many failed prayers.

If past results truly indicated future performance, you would never have learned to walk. There was a point where all you could do was fall down each time you took a step. If you had decided that this was going to be the result each time you tried to walk, you’d still be crawling around on your hands and knees. Instead, you adapted and changed your sense of balance and there came a point when falling wasn’t the norm; in fact it became a rarity. So don’t assume that becuase money has been hard to find before that it must continue to be that way.

Now for the prayer:

Relax and release any tension in your body. Let your mind relax as well.

Imagine the exact amount of money you need or want to come into your life.

See it there

Now speak out loud these words or words similar to them- “I claim that the amount of _________(state the amount you want to come to you) is in my hands by _______ (give a specific time and date. Example- Noon on Saturday, May 9 of 2009).” Now see that amount of money in your hands. Know that it is there. Now honestly give thanks and release the idea.

Releasing means not to obsess over it or decide how it’s going to happen. Simply trust that the result will come about.

Now allow me to present you with a couple of opportunities to make money online. Did you know that people will pay you to review their website or post your opinion in your blog? It’s true and it’s simple to do. Find out how you can get paid by reviewing websites and blogs at PayPerPost. You can find a link to their site on the left hand menu of this blog.

You can also learn how to make money by creating automated blogs that pull in money while you sleep. Find out more at BloggingtotheBank

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Living Metaphysically Talk Show

I am excited to announce that I have started my own internet radio talk show called Living Metaphysically. This show examines every day subjects such as happiness, prosperity and health from a metaphysical point of view and offers insights and techniques to help you successfully experience those aspects of your own life.

You can listen to the most recent broadcast below.